a woman's unfair advantage

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Do You Want Sympathy or POWER?

In the masculine world of business,

women typically face a longer and more complex path towards performance ease and excellence. To serve the women who intend to take the female lead wherever they are, we have developed the specialized Taking the Female Lead Program.

In order to work successfully, female high-performers need a reliable and resilient network, a strong sponsor in top management and good-willed mentors who are in fact available to counsel her. At the same time, women expect to be treated with fairness, both with regard to the people they work with as well as the systems installed in the company. In addition, they are dependent on flexible work arrangements that will enable them to realize their family planning without comparative disadvantages with regard to their male colleagues.

We accompany and support female managers and executives – and those identified as high-potentials within the company - as they take up new responsibilities with specifically tailored individual coaching programs.

It’s a man's world. And yet: A woman's strengths work to her advantage - if she knows and masters them. 

We believe that MEN naturally have what it takes to navigate today's business world. But they, too, need nudging and growth, orientation, self-confidence and encouragement. We benchmark our men's coaching practice off the most acclaimed success strategies of the military and thus inform top executives' thoughts and actions for peak results.

We see that WOMEN must adjust constantly to shift their natural priorities toward what today's business system expects - which is not so much community-caring and life-preserving, which comes easily to women and is a valuable - but mostly invisible - part of their business contribution. Instead, we gear women up for the strategizing and execution of a successful mammoth hunt, while (counterintuitive, but effective!) staying distinct from the physical hunting pack. Now, women used to be hunters just like men in archaic times, and nobody hunts more successfully than a providing mother, so we pride ourselves in the excellent track record of our female executive coachées. 

Women board executives secure a strong and sustained corporate performance

That’s the business case, credit to McKinsey's Women Matter study (2007 - today). A big thank you to the Mackies for confirming the original merit of the mixed double leadership team which goes all the way back to Adam and Eve!

However, there are still unanswered questions:

  • How can the engagement of the existing leadership groups be secured and its members be turned into champions of gender-mixed and diverse leadership?

  • How can high-performing mothers - and fathers - be better enabled to reconcile their business duties with their family responsibilities?

  • How can enough women collect sufficient relevant (operational and P&L) experience before they move into higher levels of accountability?

The central question then is: Considering all present constraints - how can companies define and accomplish a meaningful increase in the share of female executives in a way that focuses on partnership, performance, and the joint achievement of corporate goals?

WE KNOW how to navigate this new terrain - and can design an effective tailor-made program to sustainably and cautiously increase the share of female leaders in your top- and middle-management - with positive effects on your company’s business results.

We see a need for change in these three action fields: 

  1. Secure the full engagement and championship for the gender-diversity strategy of top management and the male executives and staff

  2. Enable the women to succeed in their mostly masculine environment by “taking their female lead”, applying our proven approach to the dynamics of "adapt - integrate - change".

  3. Create the right working environment for high-performing women - often mothers - to unfold their full potential.

If you want to utilize the advantages of mixed leadership by enhancing gender diversity in your company, we are ready to assist you with analysis, advice, and execution support!