a woman's unfair advantage

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Our clients are seasoned board-level executives, young top managers and rising high-potentials.

Katinka is an exceptionally insightful, powerful executive coach who effectively cuts through the difficult issues faced by women in the C-suite and on board level.  

As the director for the Women Directors Leadership Summit, I have worked internationally with Katinka as our lead coach since 2016 and have seen first-hand the breakthrough impact of Katinka’s work. 

I personally know many high-powered women whose lives have been transformed by Katinka’s work who remains my trusted advisor whenever I face a challenging decision. 

Dr. Herta von Stiegel 
Member of the Board, 
London Metal Exchange 

Few women executives know their TRUE strength. But you CAN discipline your fears, you CAN find your power spot, and yes, you CAN lead men and rise to the top - effectively, joyfully, and with ease.

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Katinka’s executive work is focused on the woman executive in a primarily masculine management setting, and has brought me from a place of self-doubt and non-recognition by senior management to a flourishing career.

She truly unleashed my leadership strengths and performance potential while carefully balancing those demands with my role as a mother.

Katinka is a secret weapon for any woman who seeks a career breakthrough while raising a family. I continue to reach out to Katinka now that I’m navigating the pharmaceutical industry’s top echelons.

Dr. H. L.
Director Medical Affairs, Global Pharmaceutical Group

Katinka is a true pioneer in her uniquely effective coaching approach for women executives. Her own decade-long experience as a lone female top executive among men make her an amazingly valuable sparring partner for the ambitious woman who wants to rise to the top. Katinka challenges my conventional beliefs and uses her famous solution-focus to surprise her clients with the utter effectiveness of the new tactics she encourages them to try. If you are navigating your way to the top management levels, make sure you have Katinka by your side as your executive coach. I am very thankful for the incredible difference she has made in the lives and careers of so many women - including my own.

Global Head of HR, world market leader - mobility

Professional Training & Certifications

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Breakthrough Power


  • Life-changing NEW INSIGHTS into the dynamics of the masculine world of business and power

  • Instant strengthening of INFLUENCE and LEVERAGE in your leadership environments

  • Measurably higher PERFORMANCE results - QUICK

  • Remarkable SAVINGS on mental, emotional, and physical ENERGY

  • A new feeling of ENJOYMENT of working toward your strategic goals as you LEAD and INFLUENCE the MEN around you - like never before!

Based on 25+ years of experience in executive leadership, I have deciphered the age-old dynamics of male and female leadership - and aligned them with the scientifically proven differences between men and women we know today. The methodology I have developed is science-based, straightforward and reality-driven, pragmatic, and it really works - quickly and reliably!

As women, we’re born to connect, to care, and to help others. Then we are raised to compete with men for money and power in the workplace.
If you’re putting 100% effort into your career and everything still feels like an uphill struggle, then there’s a counterintuitive answer to the question: 
“Why isn’t my hard work working?” 

I’ve worked more than 20 years in top management among mostly men, and have coached hundreds of professional women. The puzzle started to come together many years ago - and I found the real reasons women don’t flourish in their careers. Why we are fighting windmills every step of our way. Why we tend to skyrocket and then drop out from exhaustion, anxiety, and utter lack of joy.

The reasons lie deep in our female brains and neurological wiring.
The good news: That is also where our POWER lies.

In my practice, I explain it all and show you how to build effortless success - in today’s global business structures that are built around the masculine comfort zone.

I enable women around the world to TAKE THE FEMALE LEAD
while utilizing and directing the performance power of the men around them.
With measurable, tracked, and proven results.

+++ Natürlich auch auf DEUTSCH +++

“Selecting Men and Women as Executive Leaders: Perspectives from Business, Science, the Media, and Politics”, Technical University Munich / Springer-Gabler

Chapter by Katinka Ackermann:
“Navigating the Female Career”

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We work with a highly effective neurological methodology from STANFORD University

We work with a limbic diagnostic system - Positive Intelligence - designed by a Stanford University lecturer of neurology and psychology and former president of the world's largest coach-training organization, CTI. We have tailored its practical application to reflect the scientifically proven differences between a man's and a woman's limbic reaction patterns to naturally optimize a woman’s executive leverage in the masculine environment.